What are we planning?
Save the dates 22nd June - 24th June 2023
Huddersfield Windrush 75th Anniversary events and programmes (Name that Tunne) is being planned to mark the 75th anniversary of Windrush 75th Anniversary There will be Exhibitions, displays, talks, workshops and events telling the “rich, layered stories about the Windrush generation and their legacies through community Lunches abd, an exhibition, showcasing 12 x individuals associated with Huddersfield Windrush generation and exploring the impact of the Caribbean presence on Huddersfield and West Yorkshire,

Our social evening, will include:
- A prize for the best Musical outfit on the Night 19480's 2020's
- Taking you Windrush Photo by Chris the Photographer
- Guest Speakers, VIP and presentations
- A Caribbean Meal by Windrush Caterers and our Sponsors
- A Community for raffle and community quiz Name that Tune.
- A Thank You to all involved - including our donors, funders, volunteers and Partners.
- Finally a musical showcase of Windrush Music until late.
Where are these planned to take place?
4 x Huddersfield Community based organisations such as St John Resource Centre, Bixby, New testament Great Northern Street and Bradley Court (Part of Methodist Home Association)

What would the banners display?
The 12 banners will be a a celebration of Windrush 75th Anniversary with a logo and a Huddersfield Windrush Generation person who have agreed to have their summary profile written and their picture. Each banner will have a sponsors name included and the website we are creating to acknowledge individuals, sponsors and partners
What ideas do you have for the content of the memory boxes?
- Photos of loved ones,
- Photo ID
- a Summary and Profille of their life
- An old passport
- A record
- Clothes
- Postcards
- Letters
- A Tape Cassette of favourite songs
- An letter to future generations
- An letter to future generations
How are we planning to promote/publicise the events?
- We have a Project Team to coordinate Marketing and publicity
- We are also working with local Businesses and partners who will support us to get our key messages out.
- The website will be acknowledge our partners and sponsors
- We are going to be working with our partners to produce an Event Marketing Plan
- We are also using digital Marketing and will have a website and various social media such as Tik Tok, Facebook and Instagram platforms.
- Finally word of mouth via a number of older people themselves

To our Partners – a Big Thank you